Monday, May 20, 2013

Star Wars fans VS. Dr. Who Fans clash in UEA

On Sunday, 12 May, me and my Family went to Norwich Sci-Fi and Film Convention at the LCR University of East Anglia, which was organised by the Norwich Star Wars Club. This event is important to my research, to experience fandom and fans celebration, community,  and productivity, as highlighted by Fiske and Jenkins, among others.  (I will share my cinematic experience with The Rocky Horror Picture Show as a "virgin" on separate article).

 It was an exciting experience for me, my wife, and my little daughter. Many people were well-prepared with costumes and dresses from the characters of some sci-fi movies, including children. There were some workshop for kids on how to become a good Jedi :). And there were some special guests, including actor who played as Gringott Bank officer and Ewok who was gladly gave his signature at his 5 pounds poscards.

Apparently there was a clash between Star Wars fans and Doctor Who fans.
Here's the news in some newspapers:

BBC, 15 May: Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich convention
Guardian, 16 May : Science friction: Star Wars and Doctor Who fans come to blows over autographs,
The Independent, 16 May :Organisers use the Force as Star Wars and Doctor Who fans clash at Norwich  convention

I was there, and I did not feel any riot. Surely there were some harsh debates and arguments in front of the gate of LCR, including some women. We were sitting not so far from them, feeding my baby girl. But, that was it. Nothing more serious happened. Just oral and verbal fight, something common in... Jakarta :).

BTW, I upload some pictures taken from the event. Enjoy.

 I will upload more pictures later :).
Some photos can be found in my other blog here

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