Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best of 2015: My Academic Life

Best of 2015


SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference, Montreal, 25-29 March

Plaridel journal, special issue (as guest editor), late March 2015. (complete title: "The Bad, The Worse, and The Worst: TheSignificance of Indonesian Cult, Exploitation, and B Movies". Plaridel: A Philippine Journal of Communication, Media, and Society, Volume 1, Issue No. 2; 2014)

A Talk at Harvard University, 30 March
Student Award UEA Engagement Award , 15 May
Public Engagement Prizes, UEA Graduate School Prizes 2015, 14 July
Henry Jenkins’s Talk, IKJ, Jakarta, 5 August (as co-organizer and chair)
Finished writing the first draft of my doctoral thesis, early September 

Workshop on Indonesian Cinema as SOAS, University of London (as co-organizer and presenter), including as a chair for Mondomacabro's Pete Tombs Talk, 3-5 October

 Resolution of 2016:
1. Viva (thesis defence)
2. Publish a proper scholarly paper(s) in, at least, one Scopus-indexed journal.

Thank you, everyone! Alhamdulillah.

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