Saturday, July 28, 2018

Graduation Day and Other Norwich Summery Tales

Norwich and Great Yarmouth, 14-18 July 2018.
Graduation Day: Norwich Football Club, 17 July 2018.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you, all!

enjoy the pictures and short videos:

OTW to Norwich Football Stadium
first picture with family as a graduand

with Dr. Toby Reynolds, fellow Bristol-based UEA PhD student

waiting for the moment

with Dr. Patrick Bingham-Scales, Dr. Adam Bingham-Scales, and  Dr. Tim Snelson, and UEA Bunny, of course,
in front of Norwich City Hall
with Dr. Rayna Denison, my secondary supervisor, at Biddys
with Prof. Mark Jancovich, my supervisor and mentor, a day before D-Day
with Dr. and Mr. Sheppard. Thank you for the gifts!
with Valencia and PPI Norwich, few days before D-Day
enjoying GoGoHare 2
the certificate!